The other way is to drop the spool and pull the string gently and steadily, hand over hand, until you can retrieve your kite. If you’re using a standard spool, simply begin rolling it in, hand over hand, until the kite lowers to your level, Maxa advises. Outdoor Boys on YouTube posted a creative solution to flying a kite in no wind-take it for a trip on a motorboat! Most of the time, a no-wind situation isn’t ideal if you’d like to see your kite climb to lofty heights. You may need to keep running in circles until your kite catches an updraft. Then let go and start paying out the line a bit. If it’s not windy, you can manufacture your own kite flying forces by holding up your kite by the frame with one hand as you jog. 20 Painting Secrets the Pros Won't Tell You.Kite-Flying Robots Could Generate Energy on Mars.As long as the line from your spool to your kite is taut, you can be reasonably sure the kite will stay up. The trick to keep the kite riding the wind is to make sure you maintain tension in the string and correct for changes in wind speed. Pulling on the string causes the kite to speed up slightly and enhances lift, so that you should see the kite rising again. Now you want to pull the string gently downward with one hand. Sometimes, even if you think everything looks great in the air, you may notice that the kite feels a little sluggish and the line is sagging. Your kite may begin an unsteady descent until you pull back on the string with one hand, which should boost its stability again. If you let the string out too much, its weight will actually begin pulling the kite down. If you see the kite swooping in different directions and feel it tugging your string, it’s time to pay out the line. Make sure you pull the line as your friend lets go. If there’s enough wind, the kite will take flight. As you hold on to the spool, tell your friend to throw the kite straight up in the air. Have the friend hold the kite and spool out string for several feet, making sure it’s straight. If you have a friend to help, you can team up to give your kite a boost. Roll out about 50 feet of string from your kite and walk back until the line is as straight as possible, according to Jim Nicholls’ 1,508th kite video. You can employ a “long-line launch” if you’re having trouble. When you feel the kite pulling away from you as it catches an updraft, let your string spool out a bit. Now let go of the kite and grasp the spool with both hands. You’ll notice that the kite is already picking up the breeze. Hold the kite in your non-dominant hand and the spool in the other. The beach is always a good option when choosing a location for flying a kite, because it usually has a strong offshore breeze. If your kite has tails, pay attention to what direction they are blowing, because they’re an indicator of wind direction. Avoid going out in stormy weather too, in case of lightning strikes. Flying near trees and power lines is a bad idea.

Choose a location that has a quarter to half a mile of clear space behind you, according to kite enthusiast Chris Maxa, who demonstrates how to fly a kite.

That way, when you let go of your kite, you can keep an eye on it as it rises in front of you. These Are the 13 Biggest Planes in the WorldĪ good rule of thumb is to start your flight with the wind at your back.The feel of the tautness in the line, the jerk of the kite as it struggles to maintain its orientation in an uncertain wind, and the sight of kite tails pointing in the breeze, indicate what to do next. Of course, nobody flies a kite with a pad and pencil to determine the physics of the moment, so these principles are learned through experience. That means lift must equal the weight of the kite, and thrust by the wind must be equal to drag, the kite’s resistance to movement through the air. Once it’s airborne, you have to keep the four forces in balance so your kite continues to fly smoothly. To launch a kite into the air, the force of the initial lift must be greater than the kite’s weight.

Whether you’re handling a jumbo jet or a kite, aerodynamic forces rule all flying objects. With the help of some popular YouTube explainers, here are the basic steps for how to fly a kite with minimum stress and more enjoyment! How to Launch Your Kite 🪁 Play icon The triangle icon that indicates to play 🪁 You love learning new skills.